Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Full Day! (Tuesday)

by Patsy Carlson

Our day began as a drizzling rain fell and fog rolled in. By the time we finished breakfast the rain had stopped but the day still looked questionable. It proved to be a gorgeous day, of full sunshine, which meant hot and humid from the rains.

We began the day visiting two homes in the area that were completed by Habitat in the last year. It was great to see what homeowners can do with their simple homes. Both were lovely and so were the owners, and very proud to show their homes.

Our work today involved several projects. We needed to move more of the block, build a retaining wall, level the ground in two areas (one for the future latrine), mix more concrete and (finally!) begin laying the block for the walls. We went up 3 courses today which meant there was plenty to do.

Here we are working on the second course (row) of cement block.

Four students from a school in San Miguel came with their teacher to work with us and practice their English. The teacher was Jesus, who was our habitat leader on two previous trips. It was great to see him in his new role and it was fun to hear the students and our team members sharing their English/Spanish knowledge (or lack of)! Jesus took several photos of our group with his students; check out the photos shared on the Ss. John and Paul Facebook page!

You could really feel a change today as our team and the family and skilled labor were working together with a lot of laughter and good-hearted teasing. It all made the day very enjoyable.

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